
If you start a new topic or want your information to stand out, you should create a new post. Even though you can add your information in the comment area, comments are not normally shown nor categorized. Comments are visible only by clicking that particular post.

Create a New Post


Adding a new post is easy if you have Editor or above status. Log into the website. Then click the “Add New” link in “Post” section in the upper left hand area. Then you can type in your post title in the Permalink area. You can either type your post in the post section or you can copy your content from some other source such as Word. If you do paste from Word, please click on the “Show/Hide Kitchen Sink” button as shown below.

Show Kitchen Sink to Show Paste from Word button and other buttons.
Show Kitchen Sink to Show Paste from Word button and other buttons.

Click on the “Paste from Word” button (shown below). A new window shows up. You can paste your word content into the web page. The program keeps as much Word format as possible.

Use this button to paste from Word
Use this button to paste from Word

The final formatting of the post may be different from your word document. Be sure to check your post via the “Preview” button in “Publish” section in the upper right hand corner.

You can also add pictures and other media type to your post by clicking on the links in the “Upload/Insert” toolbar above the post area.

In case you do not have enough time to finish your post, you can save the current post as Draft so you can come back to finish it.


Contributor can create new blog following the steps above. However, the blog will not be visible until one of the editors approve the post.

Update Post

You can make changes to your posts. After you log in to the website, click on the “Posts” link at the upper left hand corner. This will bring up all the existing posts accessible to you.

You can click on the post you want to make change and hit “Edit”. The same window as “Add New Post” shows up with “Edit Post” as title. You can move in the post body to make any changes.

When you are done, click on the “Update Post” button. You updated post now is visible to all visitors to the site.

By admin