
Post Glover Natural Ground Resistor (NGR) uses a smart Human Machine Interface (HMI) to set up configuration parameter. Steps to configure HMI’s Ethernet settings are not well documented. Sometime if parameters are not enter properly, they do not stay after power is cycled. Here are steps to configure its Ethernet settings.

Steps to configure Post Glover NGR Ethernet Settings

  1. Disable NGR’s parameter protection (see this post).
  2. Press “Menu/5” key to access the main screen.003 - NGR Menu Screen
  3. Press F2 key to access communication menu.004 - Press F2 for Communication Configuration
  4. Press F2 key to access Ethernet settings005 - Press F2 for Ethernet Settings
  5. Use arrow keys to move cursor to IP address, subnet mask, default gateway area. Press Enter key to initiate data entry at that field. Use number keys to enter new values. Press Enter at completion of each field.
  6. Cycle power to verify that all settings remain the same after that.